Halloween was almost normal this year. My partner and I dressed in costumes, had dinner at a friend’s house, and then went trick or treating with their four-year-old child. One of their neighbors had carved 26 pumpkins and placed them, complete with lighted candles inside, around the edge of the traffic roundabout at the end of the block. I say almost normal, because along with their costumes, most of the children wore masks that covered their nose and mouth. And at several of the houses, the candy was delivered to trick or treaters by sending it down a long pipe, thereby maintaining social distance from the as yet unvaccinated little ones.
November 8, 2021
I'm fully vaccinated and its been 3 weeks since my last shot so I have as much protection as i possibly can have. My son has had 2 doses of Astra Zenica and his wife has had 2 doses of Pfizer. My husband, daughter and I have each had 2 doses of Pfizer. So my little family is done for now…. Who knows if we have protection against the new emerging variants… time will tell.
July 14, 2021