The weather turned much colder and time to prepare for the next season. Reminded me I’d taken this picture of “The last Chapter of the Ant and The Grasshopper”. I am working on canning the last of the quince and the cornelian cherries... the abandoned crop at the farm...both kind of metaphors for the feeling many around me seem to have. We’re older, not in vogue, too much trouble in the eyes of some... yet this time has shown me beauty and importance in the tiniest of things. I have 4 friends who are ready to leave this “earthly” plane... too much pain, too little is getting too hard for too few rewards...Too much chaos, too much hate around us... there are moments when I get it, but I’m struggling on the other end... I have too many projects, too many things I want to get to, and I keep thinking people will get it! I’ve been tracking back the kernels of truth that underlie so many beliefs that are driving the polarization of the nation right now. Maybe I am the naive one, head in the sand, rose colored glasses...hard to believe ignorance, greed and hate can so easily be spread... i guess it’s the evolutionary leftover - our reward for climbing out of the water - to be constantly on the alert for danger so we can survive another day...
September 22, 2020
When I read and hear about how the virus is going to get worse in the winter, my heart aches. When are things going to get better? Are we ever going to get back to normal? The political situation is making everything seem worse. The death of RBG has made things worse than ever. The new Supreme Court pick is going to be a nightmare. Why did Ruth have to die now?
September 22, 2020