I like the word liminal. It's from the Latin word limen, threshold, and it means the ambiguous zone between two states of being. I like the way the word sounds, and I also find it describes situations I often find myself in. The beach is liminal, with tidepools that are sometimes wet, sometimes dry. Fog on the mountain is liminal. Airports are liminal. Some life phases are liminal. Adolescence is liminal. We are experiencing a liminal phase now, with the pandemic receding and our post-pandemic lives forming. Transitions are exciting for some people. I don't always enjoy being in a liminal place. Uncertainties unnerve me. But it's sure not boring.
July 19, 2021
We have a sibling in a nursing home in another state. Managing his care from afar is nerve wracking. The inability to travel to see him, and even when there being disallowed from entering the facility is difficult. We have waited for months for a family to be reunited from Europe, which finally happened.
September 28, 2020