Photo Sketch 1: Caption: Jan. 4, 2021. (corrected year) Covid 19 days. I couldn't reach H. Not home, Refused, Deceased, Moved, Call Back, Wrong Number, Do Not Call, Disconnected. Cancel. Save & Next Call. It's often lonely and monotonous volunteer work --- maybe out of 60 calls, I reach 5-7 voters, over 2 1/2 hours. Photo Sketch 2: Caption: Jan. 6, 2021 (corrected year) Reverend Warnock wins his Georgia Senate seat! The first black Senator for Georgia. Covid 19.
February 10, 2021
This week has felt better than most. I was able to connect with people back at home in a way I feel I haven't been able to in months. My best friend and my mother experienced another year of life, and we celebrated that together. This week gave me hope; it reminded me that there will be plenty of times where we aren't dealing with this bullshit. Once this passes, I'll be able to connect more with those around me, and this will only be a memory. Not related to COVID, I've felt happier. This week I've managed to find a flow within this day-by-day schedule that I've struggled to find before. Its a little disheartening to say that I'm growing used to COVID, yet it's easier to adapt and survive than it is to sulk about it.
September 24, 2020