The hanger and collage made below it remind me of the order we are trying to impose during this chaotic time. Especially on our children - to give them a sense of normalcy, of routine, of friendships, of family. Our collective concern of how this time will affect them adversely in the years to come is something saddening - the sense of isolation and confusion of what to be fearful of.
July 8, 2020
Oh my gosh who can say what has changed the most? I think we’ll be studying this one for generations. Then again... we clearly didn’t remember any of the lessons from the 1918 flu pandemic so maybe not. For me, the biggest change has been a massive shift inwards in my thinking. My circle has gotten smaller in every way. On the one hand it’s great to really focus on what and who is most important to me, but I want to make sure I don’t get to comfortable in my cozy safe space and forget to care about the wider world and the people in it, especially those who are hungry or scared or abused or exploited.
December 2, 2020