Day #653 Haiku in Corona Time Groundhog Day today Each day has felt like that film For the past two years
February 18, 2022
This has been a good week in my part of the country. Our numbers look good, and they are getting better. Meanwhile, there are some really scary numbers coming from the south and the west. What I don't understand are these people who have made a big deal about wearing a mask. Why? It makes me think that there are people in the US who care for no one but themselves, and to hell with protecting others - because, ya know, it is my right to be a complete jerk. Their thinking is warped. And when they get sick, we are all supposed to feel sorry for them. The fact that these people are not shamed by their behavior is a mystery to me. Meanwhile, I continue my "stock up for a year" project. I fear that things here will get bad again -- and that certain foods and commodities will be scarce again -- that online shopping will be overtaxed and that shipping will once again be overloaded with long delays. So I am preparing. All the staples I need for a year are now in my basement. Toiletries, dry goods, canned goods, soaps and detergents, and paper goods etc. This helps me worry less, and eases my mind. And -- even if we don't have another spike, I'll be all set for the next year on all these items. So -- win-win. Still working at home, and I see no end to this until we have a vaccine. They are talking about vaccine availability at the beginning of 2021, but I am betting on next Spring.
July 6, 2020