July 21, 2020 Photo Sketch 1: Caption: I usually find books on the curb that people are giving away and I put books on the curb for people to take. Covid days. September 15, 2020. Photo Sketch 2: Caption: Covid and creeping Fascism... Keeping my head in a quiet creative space is like balancing a tender egg on a spoon as I walk through a burning world...
January 20, 2021
I'm in the midst of public health graduate school pursuing an MPH in Epidemiology. This week has been one of the hardest due to school work and other stressors. Having everything be online, school and social activities, is getting exhausting. Additionally, not being able to have my friends from home visit or go back home to visit is really hard on my mental health. I'm too busy and tired of virtual communication, it's hard to stay connected and I feel like I'm losing touch with people back home. It's hard to know when it is safe for visits. I really miss the simplicity of social interaction pre-covid. Now everything is so complex and the thought of making a wrong move weighs heavy on my heart.
October 2, 2020