Los ansiedad por saber que alguien más de mi familia se contagie otra vez de covid se ha vuelto parte de mi rutina diaria en estos días, pero como cualquier inconveniente, hacemos lo mejor que podemos para salir adelante. Este día decidí poner a mi gato como foto porque... me gustaría ser como él. Me sorprende su capacidad de comer, dormir y estar tranquilo en los días más sombríos y acercarse con las personas que más ama para recibir su dosis de caricias. Pero, así como el es tranquilo, también es capaz de transmitirme esa paz indescriptible, y cosas como esa es lo que me ayuda a levantarme y pensar en el futuro
November 25, 2020
This past week was wonderful and strange - my husband and I moved into our first house together. We both took the week off from work to move and unpack and get settled in. Buying a house during the pandemic was certainly a challenge on top of all of the normal home-buying challenges. Plus, because of the pandemic, house sales have gone up, and so we paid a lot for this house, to the extent we are expecting the value to be drastically less in a year or two. But, also because of the pandemic, mortgage rates are really low, so we were able to get a very low interest rate. One of the most stressful parts for me with this experience was that we had to have a few different people (i.e. locksmith, HVAC, movers, etc.) come over to do some things to the house right away. So, anytime we contacted companies/individuals to see if they could do work to our house, we had to ask what precautions they take (i.e. wearing a mask). We were very pleased that anyone coming into our home to do work was very good about wearing a mask while they were in our home. It was just another layer to an already long, drawn-out process.
October 6, 2020