Beans!! I know it's a weird way to start this entry, but during quarantine and staying in my dorm, I try and find happiness in the little things. As I feel I have little control over the world around me, I do things that I have complete control over to try and remain sane. The newest escapade of mine involves growing black eyed peas on my dorm window ledge. Being able to turn the sprouts away or towards the sun and water them regularly is about as much control I have over anything at the moment. They are also representative of my home and family. On my way out after visiting my mom for Passover, I quickly grabbed a small ziplock bag and tossed in a dozen or so beans. Throw in a little water and boom! A few weeks later I have plants coming in at around 5 inches tall. I've grown beans in the past. My fourth grade science teacher did a demonstration in class when we were learning about photosynthesis. Reflecting back on it now, it's one of the earliest memories I have where my fascination with biology started to bloom. I remember so vividly rushing back home after school that day and starting my very own bean-growing setup. And not to toot my own horn, but I remember them growing tall enough to the point where my parents were gladly surprised. As I'm writing this entry and staring at the two sprouts planted in a recycled coffee jar, I think these beans provide the perfect metaphor for a world post-covid. Rebirth.
April 15, 2021
The virus has not affected my life very much this week. I’m working from home, so I don’t have to interact with anyone in person. Learning that the president has the virus seemed unreal in the way it was handled. It seems like he wants to show how tough he is when he went riding around in an armored vehicle and waving to people. It also seems like they took him out of the hospital too soon. Hopefully, he will fully recover from COVID-19. One thing that really bothers me, is when my friend who works at a local hospital told me she had a set up computer systems for people to work from home because a whole department had COVID-19. The Monday after the people were set to work from home, they all came back to work. One employee came to work shaking and wrapped It’s a blanket. Why would a hospital allow people who tested positive to come back to work? My friend said she didn’t know why but that department works in a separate building. It still doesn’t make sense because people from other departments do go into that building from time to time.
October 7, 2020