I am most upset about vaccine inequality around the world. The vaccine rollout is going fairly well in the US and I will be getting the second dose of the vaccine next week. However, the vaccine rollout is going poorly in many parts of the world. That map really demonstrates unequal access to vaccines. We are not safe unless everyone can get vaccinated.
April 20, 2021
I was watching a high school football game (in my state) on ESPN this past Friday night. The stands were PACKED. There was NO social distancing or mask-wearing. It was an abomination. In my opinion, there is no excuse for a school system or community to allow that. The pandemic is not over. Today in our state, there were over 900 reported cases. Why would you endanger the lives of those in your community? To me, it is a selfish act to disregard the effect of your actions on others. Shouldn't a school system be teaching its students to care for others? To do what is right instead of what is popular? Makes me think about our governor, giving in to pressure and not doing what is best for the state as a whole. Sad.
October 13, 2020