My roommate has been going to work in construction, where a majority of his coworkers are conservatives and think that COVID is either a hoax, or overblown. His foreman has cancer, and still refuses to take precautions. He goes to work wearing a mask like this, and a faceshield, every day. Since he does so, he's been harassed and referenced as an "Antifa terrorist" for it. He just doesn't want to die, and doesn't want to put me at greater risk, while paying the bills. It's caused a lot of stress, and I worry for his sake.
August 13, 2020
This week I voted! I got my absentee ballot in the mail at college, I filled it out, and mailed it back. It was very exciting not only because this is my first time voting in general, but also voting during a pandemic is exciting. I'm disappointed that I didn't get to vote in person for the first time, but, I'm excited that I still had the opportunity to vote. A lot of people in the media have been talking about how mail in voting is a huge source of fraud in the US, which I think is just another way that the pandemic is effecting our lives. Those who are at higher risk for the virus would have to go to the polls and risk their lives in order to vote. However, I think that most people recognize that voting by mail is really not that fraudulent, but I think it's interesting that the media (and the president) portrays it so badly.
October 20, 2020