Here’s a picture of what’s left in E’s bathroom, and it would make me cry in normal times, all the flotsam of the empty nest: a lighter from her Amsterdam adventure a couple years ago, her tampons, blue nail polish, hair pins. Now she can’t come back in here, to her childhood home, sans mask, until I am vaccinated. (J is but not me.) God, how I want us all just to be able to eat fried chicken, laugh, chase the cat, together, without masks.
March 13, 2021
It's hard making friends in a new place when socializing isn't quite an option. I go out, I walk around my new neighborhood daily just to get out (besides going to the grocery store or running other errands). The main people I interact with are my roommates, and I'm fortunate that we all get along. I take a lot of joy in small interactions, talking to the cashier at the grocery store however briefly, nodding at a woman and her child on the street (it's taken me a while to remember that no one can see you smile with a mask on). Making new friends has been a slow process, but I'm working on it. Trying to talk to new people, keeping in touch with old friends. It's a difficulty I think a lot of people share: people entering schools, new jobs, new living arrangements in new cities.
October 21, 2020