I escaped this week and it felt great. This picture is only about 30 minutes of relaxation while watching children, but still, to be out of the house, in nature, with family, it was amazing! I broke all the rules - hugs, snuggles with a baby who is passed from person to person and slobbers over everyone, going into houses, eating together, etc. Frankly, I don't care. Right now at least. I hope and pray that I am able to stay healthy and that all of my family is too. It was risky but necessary - my mother had emergency surgery and I needed to be there. Thank God, she is healing and fine. And I would do it again to be there for her. I had missed her so much. Going there felt great, and coming home again felt much better. I don't feel as trapped, as desperate. And when I do start to go stir crazy again, now I have this beautiful picture to remind me that there is still nature and family not too far away.
August 11, 2020
Vivimos en un pueblo de 4 mil y pico de habitantes, somos todos conocidos... a esta altura los infectados quizás hayan sido 40, todos obviamente conocidos por todos, por lo cual las personas se solidarizan y se ponen a disposición desde el principio. También hay fuerte presencia de las autoridades locales, hospital y delegación... no hay nadie a la deriva. Al ser pocos casos se los puede trabajar bien. Y las personas particulares, con mucho o poco colaboran, envían regalos y frases alentadoras, se ve todo publicado por redes sociales. Así que mi respuesta es si, las personas se apoyan mucho
October 21, 2020