CoVid continues to feel like this thorn on a rose bush… ever present danger despite the promise of beauty. Can’t let your guard down or you may get pricked. The rain drops emphasize a longing for sunshine, light and a carefree spirit which is not the same as CoVid fatigue. I think we’re beyond that now…
April 21, 2022
We are entering the puja season which is so much about family and coming together to celebrate. It's not like I do that much in a regular year since I don't live near family and I don't live in India. But this year I'm feeling like I really miss it--thinking of how celebrations in India are taking place at such a dangerous time, worrying about family there, feeling even more distanced from my immediate family in the States who have been dealing with isolation for so many long months now. I guess, feeling the need now to connect more spiritually,
October 21, 2020