What's affected me most this week is two things. Firstly I had to do a resit for university to pass and get my degree. I found this a weird thing to do as I haven't had to do any exams for so long, also everyone else had already gotten their degrees and gotten registered as a Podiatrist so I was feeling left out. Secondly, my flatmate who had been in lock down with me since March has now gone home so it is very weird and sad without her here. I hope to go home next week, so for now I am just enjoying where I live and going on my favourite walks before I go home. However, I am nervous about going home. Will I be able to hug my parents? Or should I distant myself? When will I be able to come back to Edinburgh? these are all thoughts that I've pondered over the last couple of days. It will be so nice to be home though, so I am excited. Here is a picture of one of my favourite walks around Edinburgh.
July 6, 2020
I was working part-time at a chiropractic office when the pandemic hit. I was the only one taking it seriously, coming in early with my own Lysol, cleaning. Everyone else was scoffing at the news, calling it a flu. My husband has stage 4 prostate cancer and I was terrified of bringing the virus home to him, so I took a leave of absence. I have heard from multiple people that they are still not taking the proper precautions, so I do not see myself going back. I haven't been to get acupuncture or an adjustment for months and I have had quite a setback in my physical well-being as a result. I will be focusing on creative projects in hopes of being able to augment our household income. Ordering everything for delivery is quite expensive.
October 25, 2020