This week the weather has been beautiful; mild fall weather and just perfect for taking long walks. When I’m outside, it’s easy to forget we are still in a pandemic. I can socialize with friends, enjoying happy hour around a fire pit or afternoon tea on someone’s back porch. On Halloween, I tagged along with a friend while her daughter went trick-or-treating. Seeing so many kids walking the sidewalks and chatting with neighbors made me so happy. That little girl will get her first Covid shot soon and I’m looking forward to spending more time with her after she’s fully vaccinated.
November 9, 2021
Well, this one will be short for me because before the Pandemic I wasn't using Social Media very much, and now I'm really not using it at all. I find that Social Media is the source of a lot of misinformation and hype that really isn't out there - I've seen it push friends and family to the extremes of their political/social beliefs when I really don't think that's where they're at. It was bad before the Pandemic, but with everyone separated from everyone else, Social Media has become a place where more people go to connect with others and then, instead they are pushed to even more extreme views because they're believing the misinformation and the hype that's out there. I stay off of it, especially since I don't have the time to decipher and research what's real and what's not. I can connect directly with my friends and family via phone, text, email, in-person, online chats, etc. I don't need Social Media. Actually, I think I'm a happier person not being on Social Media (I'm definitely less stressed).
October 28, 2020