I like the word liminal. It's from the Latin word limen, threshold, and it means the ambiguous zone between two states of being. I like the way the word sounds, and I also find it describes situations I often find myself in. The beach is liminal, with tidepools that are sometimes wet, sometimes dry. Fog on the mountain is liminal. Airports are liminal. Some life phases are liminal. Adolescence is liminal. We are experiencing a liminal phase now, with the pandemic receding and our post-pandemic lives forming. Transitions are exciting for some people. I don't always enjoy being in a liminal place. Uncertainties unnerve me. But it's sure not boring.
July 19, 2021
In this past week, there were increased protocols at work to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We are now to wear masks at all times when in the building. In addition, we are encouraged to work from home as much as possible and avoid coming in. Unfortunately, my program does not have the necessary equipment to do so. We would need printers and fax capability from home. We have been issued laptops and scanners, but that is all we have. In addition, our work is based on actual paper files that cannot leave the office as they are locked securely.We cannot bring the files home to work on them. All file activity has to be completed in the office. I am still bothered by the sense of loneliness that has wrapped itself around me like a cold, wet blanket. The office is like a ghost town. I didn't realize how much I looked forward to the interactions with clients, prospective clients, doing outreach and being out in the community. I was permitted back on the Federal campus to drop off donations of shampoo and toothpaste, but cannot go into any of the residential programs where I used to do outreach. I feel that the rapport I build with clients that I don't see face to face is lacking. I am easily irritated. I actually swore (loud enough for someone to come out of the volunteer office) when I found that the cleaners emptied the fridge on my floor a week early, and I lost some cheese, fruit, and a lunch box since they pitch everything when they do it. The printer jamming, other technology not working, phone calls and conferences eating up time that I need to put together files and keep up with clients are other irritations. Each week, it seems like they want us to record a new piece of data about our work. We had to learn a brand new system for employee reimbursements. The FEDS sends out new requirements and decisions, expanding the work we do to support Federal social workers when they make twice the salary that we do...What do I do with these irritations? Sometimes I vent. Sometimes I reach for something salty or something sweet. This journal is a new way to vent or process what is happening. My church used to host a Thanksgiving Dinner where we got the turkey, mashed potatoes, chicken tenders and gravy from Popeye's, and people provided the rest. I was the coordinator for the last 4 years. This year, they decided to have a restaurant host it, with COVID precautions. I am ambivalent about going. I think that we will be back in a lockdown by then. The numbers aren't going down anytime soon. I also don't know that I want to expose myself to a large group of people who are all eating (you can't eat with a mask on :)). My neighbor is thinking about a Friendsgiving. That might be more manageable. Socially distanced and with windows open for ventilation... We cancelled the family reunion we have around the Fourth of July. I have 1 relative in Illinois. The closest relatives (relationally) are in Michigan. I will not be traveling outside the state of Illinois anytime soon. That would mean that I have to self-isolate for 14 day before returning to work. It's all the uncertainty. I don't know from one day to the next if I can even go into the office to work. When I work from home, I can't print. I also have to keep moving my cat off my lap so I can type. I don't have the space to spread out or access to the files that I have in the office. Add to that uncertainty, the upcoming Election Day... Uncertainty over what level of chaos will ensue. Will we resemble a third world country with unrest, armed soldiers, and a leadership that refuses to transfer power gracefully or peaceably? That of course, assumes that there is regime change and timely results. I limit my exposure to Media. I try to cook healthy meals. I am going to the chiropractor weekly. I limit my exposure to groups of less than 30 socially distanced. I have yet to go outside for walks. The gym is open but I am hesitant to go. Church is open as well, but there is an average of 100 people there so that is out of the question... There is no more garden work to be done, just planning for next year. I need to schedule a screening and a yearly physical. I still don't see a dentist that is open for routine work yet. And with numbers rising, not sure if that will happen anytime soon. I am feeling really shaggy and in need of a haircut. At least I have my weekly meetings to look forward to. I am fortunate. I have a job with good benefits. My housing is not in jeopardy.strong>A dear friend asked when I thought we would be past most of the pandemic precautions. My response was "depending on the vaccine availability and efficacy, as well as other preventative measures, probably 2022. I think we are in for another 8 rough months at least.
November 3, 2020