This Covid time has allowed me the time to decide the people I want to remain in my life and the ones I do not.
February 27, 2021
This past week of business in school combined with the election has been what I assumed would be a recipe for disaster; I anticipated feeling uncontrollable anxiety and despair. However, I have been somewhat at peace the past few days, and am trying to practice self care and remind myself that whatever happens this truth is always the same: I can have faith that God is working all things for good. I truly do believe that, and although I would feel an extreme level of distain if Trump does win ( yes I am an evangelical Christian and NO I am did not vote for Trump), I ultimately hope that our nation can stay united. All I can do is pray that God sends revival, that we become a nation that loves and accepts ALL, that we rid ourselves of the superiority and nationalistic pride that wrecks the lives of so many, and HUMBLE OURSELVES so that we may heal from hundreds of years of racial division and inequality.
November 4, 2020