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How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting your life right now? Tell us about your experiences, feelings, and thoughts.

The pandemic and the results of the presidential election were a weird combination. My roommates and I stayed up until 3am every night last week watching the election results. For no reason, mostly. We knew that the results wouldn't come in on Tuesday, but we watched anyway. We hoped for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, even though the news said it was unlikely. On Saturday morning, I was laying in my bed when I heard someone yelling outside. I knew then it happened We all got up and got dressed and bought champagne and went to McCarren park. It was like half of Brooklyn was there. There was a live band, the streets were packed, people were cheering and popping bottles left and right. Honestly, it was so refreshing to see so many people out together. So many people smiling and cheering and laughing. I forgot about the pandemic. It turned into a daylong celebration, we went to manhattan, we came back to Brooklyn. We walked to a bridge at midnight and back. And then on Sunday, we agreed to get covid tests, because while it felt for a while like the world was "normal" again, it wasn't. So we're all waiting on our results now, and we've settled back into our usual routine. My cousins are talking about 25M fraudulent votes on social media (I have no clue where they got that number), but I'm just praying I didn't trade a day of celebration for illness.

November 11, 2020

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