This is a photo taken as I passed a bus on the street. I personally am too high risk to ride public transit in this pandemic, even if it were physically possible for me, but I found it interesting that the driver has a taped off section in front and riders are supposed to get in the back door. Other notes from.the week: Participating in Pandemic journaling project study feels good , to know I can contribute somehow to future understanding of this crazy time. Has an effect on my writing because I know someone else might read it. ...
August 11, 2020
THANK GOD!! Not only is there news of 1 vaccine this week, but 2 with OVER 90% EFFECTIVENESS RATE FOR EACH!! When I heard the news I was so excited, and it really feels like this is the first big step back to the world being normal again. Just that thought makes me relaxed and hopeful for the future, even if it's not coming quite yet.
November 20, 2020