This week, I have thought about how Halloween will work out. Since we are living in such a difficult time right now, it is not possible for us to have such big, crowding events. It seems to me that some people want to go out of their way to go to parties and violate safety regulations ... Because of this, I spent time considering how I am going to be celebrate Halloween. Despite the restrictions we are forced to put up with, I still wanted to celebrate in my own special way. Just yesterday, I received a package from my parents. I had told them two weeks prior that I wanted some snacks that I would actually eat before I have to empty out my room. The box was filled with some of my favorite candy and other goodies. I was very excited. It motivated me to think of further plans for Halloweekend. I spent some time today playing a virtual game of "Clue" ... It was a really fun time for all of us; we enjoyed ourselves very much. I plan to spend the next day eating some candy and watching a Halloween themed movie, after I finish some work. I also bought a ticket to watch a movie for the 29th annual Philadelphia Film Festival since one of my friends is their ambassador this year. I will be watching that this coming Sunday. Celebrating Halloween during the pandemic has given me time to think about other events. Although this crisis has been tough for all of us, we must make the most of the good times. When life gives you lemons, you always have to find a way to make lemonade. For me, coming up with revised ways to celebrate Halloweekend has been a good way to work around the effects of this pandemic. It may not be the most ideal celebration, but it works in a time like this. Now that we only have three weeks left of classes, I am more grateful every day for how far we have come.
October 31, 2020
Well, things are shutting down at my school. Just in the past couple hours, actually. We have 22 positive tests in the past 7 days, 10 from yesterday alone. So they've mandated that we only leave our rooms/dorms for food, COVID tests, and class. Not much has changed for me, honestly. My roommate is going to have to stop seeing their girlfriend every day in a pandemic. I don't feel bad. Just video call like the rest of us so everyone in this apartment can be safe. I don't know anyone that's positive, but I do know two people who have to quarantine because they were close contacts. A professor for one of my classes has to quarantine, and one of the people I'm working with for a group project. I don't work with them in person, but it's still scary stuff. All the more reason to stay home. I'm worried for myself, and my boyfriend. We're both the most careful people in our respective houses, and we both have roommates that keep blatantly ignoring guidance. I think the anxiety is going to come to a head soon, and we're also going to be the rudest people in our respective houses. I'm trying to work out how to tell [C.] not to see their girlfriend. I'm sure my boyfriend is trying to tell his roommates not to go to the machine shop. I just hope everyone stays safe.
November 18, 2020