I found this memorial someone left on the beach at Far Rockaway and began to think about all the lives we lost this year. So many people have died this year, not all of them from the pandemic but many of them did die from the pandemic. I am thinking about what we are doing to the planet with all our progress. We produce so much trash there is no room for it anymore. Our salaries are so low people who are working still can’t afford housing yet inflation doesn’t stop. Landlords keep raising rents yet many of the tenants are behind in their rent, yet the property taxes keep going up. There is so much going on, the earth keeps spinning, the sun keeps rising and babies are bing born. I should be hopeful and happy yet many days I am afraid. Afraid of the future for me, my children and my grandchildren. I am writing a gratitude journal and am trying to be happy and positive. I made a wedding this year, next week I am making a birthday party for my one year old grandson. We have to celebrate the good times. Life is short, I am making it sweeter.
August 2, 2021
All I can think about is how the A---hole in Chief is subverting the election. He MUST GO!!!!! He is behaving like an evil dictator in a third world country. I don't mean to insult third world countries, but I might be doing just that. What is going to happen? Woe is me.
November 20, 2020