I feel like I have gone through the whole grief cycle in the last year. First “it’ll never come over here” and “it won’t last”. Then great and anxiety about food supply chains and wishing desperately that we had room in our tiny house for a chest freezer. Then “what the hell people, wear your damn masks or we’ll all be trapped in our homes forever!” Many, many weeks of depression and palpable anxiety. And finally, in just the last week or two, something approaching acceptance. I’ve figured out a system that works for me while [my husband] is deployed, and hopefully will work for him when he gets back and we have to share the space again. E. has a good routine and social life with daycare and our daycare family bubble. I can bake amazing challah and pizza dough after making them both nearly every week for more than 50 weeks now. More and more people around me are getting vaccinated. Maybe soon I can be vaccinated. There is still a cynical voice in the back waiting to be let down or disappointed, but in general the optimist is winning.
March 21, 2021
Saturday, November 21, 2020 | 10:13 PM I think the biggest way I was affected this week is on Tuesday when I had a potential exposure scare. I started to realize how much bigger my social circle is than I believed. It's not just about me getting sick, but my parents and their coworkers, my coworkers and their friends and families, my friends and their family, coworkers and friends. Thankfully the test was negative, but I never had that happen before until 8 months into the pandemic. The other way it's been affecting me is that I'm hearing about it every. Single. Night. On the news. I understand casing are rising and people shouldn't travel, but it's overwhelming to hear about death, isolation, burnout, and heartbreak every night. I started disliking the news because it's the same thing and that's all we're hearing about, but at the same time, I do want to stay aware and informed. I think I might start watching later and leave for a few minutes just for my own sake.
November 22, 2020