February 26, 2021
February 26, 2021
Well, my husband's school shut down because he had a student with covid in his class. The parents were sick with covid, knowingly, and sent their children into school anyway. My husband was working closely with this student. The student had symptoms... and the parents still sent them into school. The school decided to close down my husband's grade. But kept the rest of the school open- including the class where the younger sibling is a student because that child was not expressing any symptoms. This is being done out of an "abundance of caution". My husband was directly exposed to a student with covid. The school has decided as of now to remain open after thanksgiving because they can "trust parents to do the right thing". I'd like to reiterate what was just said at the beginning of this entry... THE PARENTS WERE SICK WITH COVID, AND KNOWINGLY SENT THEIR CHILDREN TO SCHOOL ANYWAY". Our governor, who was once very strong on covid restrictions is now hesitant to do so as cases are spiking even higher than the spring. And, our president is hiding/sulking in the white house because he lost the election. I fear for what will come as we head into the holidays. I think we are in for several deadly and dark months of this pandemic.
November 22, 2020