Over this past weekend, I went to a beautiful spot on the coast of northern MA - Plum Island, pictured above. It is a wildlife sanctuary that includes beaches and coastal habitats. Although I grew up in MA, this is not a place I have visited often. My friend and I went on Sunday - a beautiful, hot and sunny day. We wore masks in her car and had the windows open. We hiked around wearing masks. Much of Plum Island is closed off to the public, but sections of the beach are open. We had lunch in one of these sections, sitting 6 feet apart, unmasked. When we left, we forgot to put our masks on, and didn't remember until we saw masked people coming toward us. It was so nice to take a break from COVID, even briefly!
August 31, 2020
As a disabled person I have more access socially than before the pandemic because of everything being on Zoom so it's possible to attend. I miss seeing people in person though. My religious community is keeping me really connected through services.
July 29, 2020