Clearly we bought too many clorox wipes in March 2020. There are still three containers left in my garage. There was so much unknown in those days, we wiped down everything that came in our house because we were afraid of surface transmission. I’m still anxious but now it’s about a whole different set of unknowns. It seems like many people we know are getting Covid, and I keep hearing similar stories. Someone comes down with symptoms and tests negative on a rapid test for a couple of days before a test shows up positive. I’ve also heard several people say, “It’s just a cold. I took a test yesterday” with no awareness that the test is just a moment in time, with no idea they could be walking around with active and contagious Covid. With a couple of friends I’ve suggested a second test, even dropped off an extra test for one friend. In another case, a friend’s child is planning to fly home tomorrow even though he has Covid and he hasn’t waited 10 days as recommended by the CDC. Society’s Covid choose-your-own-adventure seems almost as silly as wiping down all the groceries. So many people just don’t care, and it makes the world a scarier place for those of us who do.
March 3, 2023
Me da mucha ansiedad y malestar ver tantas personas a mi alrededor que no respetan las distancias como antes. Desde que se levantó la cuarentena obligatoria parece que todos se tomaron muy a pecho la vuelta a la "nueva normalidad" y no respetan nada, ni los carteles en los locales que piden una restricción de personas adentro, y ni hablar del espacio personal; me ha pasado que me saluden con un beso de mejilla casi a la fuerza a pesar de no mostrar indicios de querer retirarme el barbijo para ellos, me saludan con el barbijo de por medio y todo ¿Es tan difícil respetar mi decisión de seguir manteniendo distancias? No es obligatorio volver a lo de antes como si el covid19 jamás hubiera existido. Todavía está ahí, y mi mamá es de riesgo. Por favor, permítanme cuidarme y cuidarla! No es tan difícil, ignorenme si es necesario.
March 23, 2021