Last night some friends and I went to a film presentation at the planetarium I was planning to wear while in the theater space, more out of courtesy to the others in the audience, who were mostly seniors As we got out of the car and headed toward the building, I started to rummage around in my bag but I couldn't find any, not even any spares For the past two years I've kept at least one or two extras in my day pack, and usually had a few regular face masks in rotation, depending on where I'd be going and what level of protection I needed to display I guess I'd taken them all out for washing or had discarded them after use. I mentally shrugged my shoulders and went inside Face masks weren't required in the theater; about 10% of the audience was wearing them The theater was sold out and it did feel odd to be in an enclosed room, without a face mask, breathing the air with 150 strangers It's going to take some time to feel like I'm not taking a huge risk while around crowds, indoors, without a face mask
June 15, 2023
Oh, this is my favorite question. I love it when the PJ folks ask this because I am a firm believer that we set our own reality in terms of mood, that we choose what we want to focus on, and if we focus on the things that make us happy, it can really help us feel happy!. So many things made me happy, I can't keep it to just one: A colleague I really respect asked me to co-lead a writing group with her A friend asked if she could hire me to help push her book out into the world My daughter sent me three photos of her insanely adorable puppy My 21-year-old son agreed to the new safety rules we discussed, without a fight. I bought a new guitar that sounds beautiful. I wrote a few new songs on it. I had a birthday party on zoom (Last week) and 12 of my friends showed up! My family gathered by zoom for Thanksgiving and we played fun games A friend gave me super helpful feedback on a chapter I've written No one in my family tested positive for the virus Trump is on his way out. I reconnected with an old friend I have not talked to since seventh grade!!! My friends are all staying strong and healthy, reaching out to one another I got new bread making tools I finished a few writing projects. We celebrated my husband's birthday quietly, and he was really content with that. I made some very healthy lentil stew.
December 6, 2020