This moon rising is a reminder of all the promise of a “new” year, with lots of hope and optimism. There’s a new month, new year, and new President coming...vaccine is on the horizon. And yet, what really changes when the hands of the clock roll one second past midnight. All those issues will not suddenly disappear.
January 14, 2021
I have been overweight most of my adult life. As I aged the family inherited illnesses kicked in: diabetes ( because Native Hawaiian) and adult onset asthma. I also have high triglycerides like my dad and thyroid issues like my mom. Exercising is not my favorite activity but I had found something I liked to do on a weekly basis, and it was just enough to keep me mobile and free of aches and pains. My illnesses do not overly effect my life at this time, I can still do everything I like to do, and I am fine as long as I take my meds and eat in a health manner. COVID-19 made my exercise program inaccessible and I have been slow to find a replacement. We try to walk the dogs for 30 minutes everyday and most days we manage it. But I have aches and cramps I never use to have and I am not as limber as I once was. So I would say my physical health is declining due to lack of activity.
December 11, 2020