I just received my 2021 planner today. I'm looking forward to next year. A safe vaccine will be available, AND we can once again attend large gatherings be they conventions, festivals, weddings or funerals! Can exhale!!
September 11, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has affected my father because he is a fireman which means he there with the first responders. This makes him at high risk of getting the coronavirus a lot of my dad's friends that also work at the firehouse have gotten the coronavirus. One of the women that work with my dad got it so bad that she was sent to the hospital. She was there for two weeks. My dad was not allowed to go into other firehouses. He had to wait outside in the truck for the whole day. My dad took the antibodies test twice and it came out positive. He also took the Coronavirus test and that came back negative. Every day my dad was so worried that he would bring the virus home to his family. He was so stressed, nervous, and paranoid. Thank god my dad didn't get the virus and no one in the family got it either.
July 6, 2020