I love this thought, it has not happened to me though I have heard others talk about it and how things are just more active in the spirit world. I love that our being anchored in this time, space and reality has impeded our ability to distract ourselves by leading our “busy” lives. Instead we must notice the changes that have happened by our screeching halt: nature is flourish and taking back their space, the environment is healing itself and most of us are still okay! That speaks to my life, but not everyone else’s lives. I feel deeply for those who are not okay, who cannot pay their rent or feed their families and those that are lonely or feel helpless. I am thankful and grateful everyday and will give up more to help those with less.
November 7, 2020
I’m really fearful about the history books. It looks like there will so many versions of the truth to be remembered. The pandemic and the politics of the day will be intertwined, since one can hardly think about the pandemic and not regard the ways it was mishandled by a self serving president who cares nothing about his populace and the fragil political world in our democracy. Unfortunately there are some members of a phony press that will continue long after a new president is inaugurated and continue to follow a failed president in the aftermath. There will be history books that largely blame the POTUS for extent of the effects of Covid on our society, medically, economically and politically. And there will be the books which portray the president as the unfortunate victim of a democratic hoax perpetrated on Trump and making him the hero of the year. Our wonderful communication systems have allowed a plethora of “news” sources to develop and widely broadcast information that is erroneous, misinterpreted and just plain laden with lies and imagined hoaxes. This freedom of press is a very dangerous thing when it is evident that we are an undiscerning public who might believe anything. I’d say that our school systems have fail d to educate people. People evidently don’t question the validity or the quality of their chosen news sources or their history books. We ought to be more aware of the fact that on line and on tv material should be tested for truth and validity. Unfortunately the end result of the power of this dreadful president may rely on the result of a runoff election of two Georgia senators. The history books may be greatly influenced by this race. If the Democrats win, Joe Biden will have a better chance of fixing some of the wrongs done in the Trump years. If the Republicans win Biden will be stymied by his senate and it will fortify Trump republicans for the future and a possible run for the presidency in four years. History is being written as we watch it day by day. That very fact increases my anxiety and makes me feel impotent. What can be done to right the wrongs of the last four years? Are we as Americans wise enough to make the right choices to protect democracy and make it function as it was intended? There is a basic understanding of democracy and that is that those elected want what is good, what is fair, what is best for all of the people. We have made some bad mistakes at the voting booth. That will be written in the books that tell the truth.
December 11, 2020