May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021
I have been texting my sister in Pennsylania, 3500 miles away, because we have no other means of communication. She is in shared accommodation, ill with Covid, and struggling with a landlord who is trying (illegally) to evict her, and housemates who (understandably) don't want to share a bathroom or kitchen with her, but who refuse to practice social distancing among themselves and others. I am nothing more than a sounding board for my sister's troubles, as there is nothing I can do to help her other than offer my sympathy. Meanwhile, here in Scotland, there is about 6 hours of daylight, none of which includes sunshine. it is grim. Of course I know it is grimmer in other places. It doesn't actually help, knowing that there are people worse off than you, when you are feeling blue; it just makes you feel selfish and ungrateful, which leads to further misery for being such a self-centred human being. Still - trying to put up Christmas decorations and get work done and not drag my family down with me. There is not a darn thing to write in this journal because nothing is happening in my life.
December 21, 2020