December 10, 2020 Sketch photo 1: Caption: Covid days. To not let my reading slide - I plan to read this tomorrow (Sophocles' Antigone) and to take notes with post its. But M. and I did complete last touches on my tutoring website. I want to get lost in a book again. Sketch photo 2: We stay in. Order from Fresh Direct. I take quick jaunts to stores for necessities. Record breaking deaths from Covid. New death numbers each day. 300,000 lives so far. Unlike so much -- Covid is "not fast moving content."
February 7, 2021
As an elementary teacher, I work with kids who have already adapted to Covid-19 times by talking about the pros and cons of virtual learning. The sad part is when they say "teacher, when will I get to see you in person? I miss playing outside, seeing my friends, can I give you a hug?" The hardest part is not being able to be by their side to help them more. I can see some students who struggle with school, struggle with interaction and learning online. Many of them during our digital recess will play videogames or with their toys but I can tell it's not the same as being able to play around with one another.
December 25, 2020