A year ago, our lives changed in ways we would have previously considered unthinkable. When in March 2020, schools switched to online teaching and we were working from home, we couldn't imagine that life a year later would not be back to normal. Although it was hard to manage the stress of work, the craziness of kids' online homeschooling, constant exposure to screens, and the incessant disruptions of everyday life, being together and working on projects was also a deep source of joy. Elementary school is now (thankfully) back in person, and I'm sharing a page my 5-year-old son brought home just a few days ago. I'm so glad he seems to have enjoyed building a shed together as much as I did.
March 17, 2021
The pandemic has changed the way we buy food, but not drastically. The main differences are that we wear masks to shop, stand 6 feet away from others, wait in lines to get into some grocery stores, and wait in long lines to check out. Also, since my husband is over 60, he is eligible to shop during Senior Citizen hours and I tag along. This helps us to avoid the long lines I encounter during regular hours. However, we are able to buy the food we want and need. I realize that this is not the case for many people, and the fact that both my husband and I are able to continue working is a huge factor in this. I hate that the pandemic has created and intensified food insecurity in our country. The pandemic has changed the way we cook food, in an unexpected way. My father died 3 months ago. Although his death is not counted in the death toll from the pandemic, I believe that Coronavirus contributed to his death. After he had Coronavirus in the spring, he went rapidly down hill and many of his organs were greatly weakened, leading to his eventual death in September. For most of my adult life, he would cook extra food and send some home with me when I visited my parents. After my mother died, he stepped this up and contributed many meals - at least 1-2/week. Since he got ill and then died, I have been cooking more than I used to. Many nights, all I had to do was heat up something he made and make vegetables to go with it. I really miss his cooking. I miss the food he used to make, much of it Italian. I also really miss how much it helped us out with planning and making weeknight meals. It wasn't until I started thinking about this prompt that I realized what a difference the loss of my my father has made in this aspect of my life.
December 25, 2020