We live in a small town with a centralized downtown that often attracts nearby towns to our community. My neighbors are important to me. A few werks ago I shared my neighbor’s photograph if an owl who was sitting in a tree in my yard. My neighbors who have tiny toddlers are important and moved in just before the first baby was born. After the mini blizzard hit Connecticut, I texted them - and we now share the same plow service! Our driveway is quite libg and circular so we found a fabulous plow service - he is meticulous - and now will plow our young neighbor’s driveway too! I try to text everyone in our area and up the road during storms - making sure we are all safe & that help is always here. 💙💙💙
February 7, 2021
I believe children will lose more of their innocence and become more fearful of any type of illness. They will be afraid of normal social behavior like handshaking, kisses, and hugs. They will become more withdrawn and socially awkward due to not going to school and participating in normal activities like sports, choir, parties, and dances. Children use media to connect and socialize, so it will overtake in-person interaction and become the norm. Children will suffer long term due to the rules and mandates associated with COVID-19 and have a hard time becoming functioning adults unless things change soon.
December 27, 2020