Esta semana estuve pensando sobre el poder. A través de los años, me di cuenta de que me gustaba desafiar el poder y detestaba ejercerlo. Alguien podría decirme que en realidad tengo miedo de ejercer el poder. Pero no. No me gusta obligar a nadie a nada. No me gusta ver cómo la gente se transforma al ejercerlo. No fue nada bonito cuando me tocó ser el daño colateral de la lucha de poder entre dos hombres con egos grandes. Ellos están como si nada, yo vi mi vida destruida. Reconozco que me gusta trabajar con mujeres poderosas, mujeres que ejercen el poder. Entonces, no me dan ganas de apedrearlas para bajarlas. Casi siempre han llegado allí por méritos propios y eso lo respeto. Y no envidio para nada sus posiciones y éxito. Me gusta llegar y que me den trabajo, trabajar para ellas un tiempo y luego, marcharme. Ese es mi éxito: ser libre y ejercer un poder pequeño, si se quiere ver asi: el poder de mi propia vida, bajo mis propios términos . No obligo y no me obligan. El gran poder de mundo seguirá revolcando conciencias.
August 13, 2020
12/23/20 C has had covid, I didn't realize, I thought it was just her partner. Her leg is still hurting her a lot and she doesn't want to go to the doctor because she's uninsured. She does feel better though thank G-d. worry about her and wish there were more I could do. I think she was deliberately vague while she was sick so we wouldn't all worry about her, she only talked about her husband's symptoms. A local aid society had a special low cost holiday meal and we ordered two. How sweet! What a lovely thing to do. (It turned out to be not very much food and not really very good, but still a lovely thought) Slept badly, crying, kept feeling like I am stubbing my mind on my aunt being gone -- something sticking out that keeps causing unexpected surprise pain. Mediocre chat with R who was not focusing on me but lovely chat with T and then with B. But all feels so effortful, I can cobble together support but I have to work so hard at it, and being connected to my aunt was so easy! 12/24/20 S runs a half marathon for the first time! Definitely a pandemic project for him given the lack of gym access. He ran the whole way wearing a mask. L's relative in the hospital with a non-covid condition can only get one 1/2 hr visit a day because of Covid and has to be restrained while on ventilator. So very sad. 12/25/20 Miserable night of sleep, crying about my aunt (you left without saying goodbye!!) 12/26/20 Got to watch two premiering movies (Soul from Pixar, a lot of death! but sweet, and Wonder Woman 1984, utterly ghastly even though I love Gal Gadot) that we wouldn't have seen otherwise because it's so hard for me to go to movie theater, need a lot of special equipment and preparation and sometimes it's just not worth all the extra trouble and pain. Fun to have the pandemic streaming premieres. 12/28/20 Signed up for a remote grief support group. Would be a lot harder for me to access if it weren't over Zoom, the facilitator says she's never done one over Zoom before
December 30, 2020