3 things made me very happy this week - the outcome of the election in favor of Biden/Harris, the fact that Kamala Harris is the first woman, first Black woman and first Asian woman elected as a VP and the beautiful weather we have had since Friday. Walking around feeling light and happy this week!!
November 13, 2020
Curiously, the pandemic has pointed out more than anything my privilege. For the first 6 weeks I worked on my property and did the things I did not have time for during my regular life. I do appreciate this as being a singular time. I have a freedom that won’t happen again - even retired (and I am half a decade from that) I won’t be able to craft my own schedule like this. In many ways I am getting increasingly anxious - I don’t know how I will go back to the way they nags were - except when I am forced into the world I like tha way things are.
June 30, 2020