The biggest news this past week was the assembly of 20,000 National Guard troops to protect the Presidential Inauguration. I am 64 years-old and would have never believed citizens of United States of America would become so emotionally charged and violent that the military branch designed to protect our country from foreign invaders would be used as a deterrent to potential threats of its citizens. This action conveys the government expects chaos and lacks the respect of the citizens. I am saddened that the few who riot, loot, and destroy believe they have the right to destroy and take things that others worked so hard for.
January 18, 2021
So... before the pandemic I would have long 12 hour days driving around to keep up with my 6-8 part time jobs that I had to juggle to barely make a 25k living. I would work tirelessly as a substitute teacher, grant writer, cheer coach, skating coach, anything anyone wanted me to be within reason as long as I could get paid to pay my bills. Fast forward to March 2020 : I quit most of these part time jobs for a full time job I wound up leaving due to a white supremacist leader who continues to be the CEO and it was so toxic I questioned what is sanity if not in the hands of my oppressors as a BIPOC queer disabled woman? Feeling broken and lost after pouring my heart and soul into my full time job with benefits, I jumped into a Distance Education Teacher position where I am currently at. I love my job. It is alot ...I still work 12 -14 hours a day for my kids. I am paid 20k less than my previous job simply because I do not have a teacher's cert. I have 3 Bachelors degrees, 1 masters and am working on my doctorate in the hopes I will be deemed worthy by someone to settle into a job that won't treat me less than shit or run me ragged like a hamster on a wheel. Despite all of the change from moving out of my parents house into an apartment with my lover which we will soon be moving out of into a house together with my brother since it saves us hella money...I am tired.... I almost feel guilty saying hey you know I never got a break during this whole freaking pandemic. I want to scream at times saying it's not fair I am fighting here on the front lines and everyone keeps saying wow your amazing keep going...keep pushing...keep educating....keep being everything you are to everyone but who am I to myself anymore? I don't even know. I used to cry everyday just to get through and tell myself it will get better. And some moments have...but it is hard... I wish people would understand even though this pandemic has turned everything upside down to the point where I am working the same amount if not MORE so than I was working before online...I just want a break... I want to silence my phone...step away from taking care of people...step away from educating people....step away from myself for a little bit...but the world can't afford that right now and neither can I since we are all struggling through this together. All in all.... I still work the same amount of hours if not more so now but in ways I never expected I was capable of.
January 1, 2021