What's changed for me and my relationship to the world during the pandemic? I'm trying to train myself to look at things closely in a way I wouldn't if there weren't a pandemic. April 1, 2020: Photo 1 Sketch Caption: What we used to take for granted... Covid 19 Days: This head of broccoli with its curly-permed tips is always a staple but even more of a delicacy, now that it's hard to shop for food. Food items are more unique, highlighted because they're hard to get. April 3, 2020 Photo 2 Sketch Caption: Aloe plant has had a good windowsill winter...and ready to go outside soon. Covid days
March 3, 2023
This is a hard question to answer. I personally have been dealing with a neurological disorder for the last 5.5 years. I wouldn’t necessarily classify myself as someone who is healthy. Although 2020 was a breakthrough year for me. I was finally diagnosed one month before the US went on lock down. I was supposed to start my treatment in April but it got pushed back and now I’m finally starting it February of 2021. With the pandemic it brought out anger because I was finally getting the help I needed but it was put on pause. Because of the pandemic I actually took initiative to do stuff myself and see what I could accomplish. I came to conclusion that I can’t do much physical stuff at home with the lack of equipment but I can definitely work on my mental health well being. I took up different meditation methods, self help books and continued therapy. It was the year where I grew so much. I think the pandemic helped me with this since there was very little outside distractions. So I can say that at least I mentally feel the healthiest I’ve ever been.
January 3, 2021