Hanukka at my 5 year old’s playschool class: same image, different degrees of abstraction
December 23, 2020
Everyday I half heartedly listen to the news and read the lates test COVID-19 statistics and think about how my life and the world has changed since the virus. I also wonder when or if it will ever go back to the way it was or if that is even possible? The vaccine was a bright Hope whose light quickly faded out as we have had countless problems with shipment distribution and health care people available to administer it. I worry that they healthcare workers will burn out and no one will replace them. The new more contagious virus is like a speeding train to our breaking point as a nation. Once I get the vaccine I can go back to work to be worked to death because so many library staff have retired, quit or gone to different branches that we are majorly short staffed. I remind myself to be grateful that I have a job, but it’s difficult to remain hopeful and happy right now.
January 5, 2021