September 16, 2021
September 16, 2021
I’m thinking about my kids. My daughter just graduated from college, and my son is a college junior. Both live in an apartment about 12 min from our house with one other roommate. My son’s girlfriend also lives nearby. My son & his GF did not have classes this fall (they did online internships associated with their college), and will be taking online classes this spring. I wonder how they’ll adjust to being college students again. Will it be hard to fit into campus life after being on their own? Will they have drifted apart from their friends? And my daughter - how will this interlude affect her post-college life? She’s working delivering meals on wheels in the mornings, and babysitting in the afternoon. Good work that she enjoys, but not the experience she was hoping for. They seem happy enough right now, and their well-being is a high priority for me. I feel it would be easy for them to begrudge this situation.
January 12, 2021