Life changed today Notice arrived Register! Sign up! Today life changed Notice filled out Registered Signed up Both of us Together My husband His wife - me Both of us Together Vaccine for him Vaccine for me Close enough We could walk Put on his boots Lace up my boots Shot in his right Shot in my left March 13 A very special day!!
February 12, 2021
Where. To. Start! The terrorists in my country forcing their way into the U.S. Capitol Building is nearly unspeakable because so many thoughts and feelings flood to mind/body that it's the ultimate traffic jam. Many knew the threat. Those in leadership either requested support which was denied or supported the threat. Residents in this country are split among those who are surprised (white folk) and those who aren't (BIPOC). Credible threats are mounting for Inauguration Day. Good god, please don't let another tragedy happen. No doubt our national leadership will try to move forward and past rather than pause to reflect, fix/heal, and then move onward. I fear what will come from that. For a moment, pandemic news has taken a backseat, but there has been no respite from anxiety, only trading the cause. I was registered for a grad course this spring semester. I dropped it just hours ago. I will not take a course this semester. I see so many things cluttered, unfinished, in need of attention in, around, and about my house. I feel bad enough that I've been working from home for 10 months now and accomplished little on a long-standing and lengthy to-do list. I know the spring will bring added yard work. If I feel this bad now, I worry what I'll feel like at the end of the pandemic if I don't accomplish substantially more. So, I am putting grad school on hold for a semester (at most, I hope, but I promise myself nothing), and I will commit myself to spending non-work time one of two ways: regaining an exercise routine which was lost due to my inability to easily pivot since the onset of the pandemic, and accomplishing all the long-standing items on my household to-do list.
January 13, 2021