Yesterday, I had lunch with my best friend B. Although we can't go outside of the school because of the pandemic, we still can live a normal life in the campus and have lunch together. We tried a new restaurant yesterday and ordered a dish of baked fish which was delicious. Even though we can't appreciate the beauty of the outside world, staying up with best friends is kind of a releasing thing which can heal our heart.
March 31, 2022
In January 2020 I moved away from my home/ family in Texas and moved to DC with my boyfriend, V. Little did we know that we would be quarantined together for a year with no friends or family nearby. I am a pessimist and thought for sure that spending so much time together would tear us apart from the inside. To my surprise we got along well and I think we grew up a lot. We watched dozens of shows and movies on Netflix and V has played what equates to ~20 days of video games. When I first moved in we had a roommate to decrease our rent but he moved back home "temporarily" in March 2020 and never came back. We now have our own place and we got a quarantine puppy over the summer. I love our life together and I know I could not have gotten through this past year without him. Now that we are both vaccinated we have some differing opinions on when to return to "normal" and when it is appropriate to invite our out of town friends over to see DC and our "new" place. We are simply taking it day by day and doing our best to navigate through these unprecedented times.
April 5, 2021