Today is Thursday, November 25, 2021. It is Thanksgiving Day in the United States of America. This picture is from a team-building scavenger hunt I did with my co-workers in August, 2021. We work in a combination Middle School & High School in Windsor, Connecticut. Our students come from 22 towns, mostly in Hartford County. Many of our students are from Hartford. Our school is a highly diverse group of people. This simple cardboard sign, cigarette butt and face mask remind me of the difficult times many people have experienced during this pandemic. There is also a small plant growing in the crack between the curb and the sidewalk, which reminds me of my favorite season, Spring, because many plants (and animals) begin to grow and the Earth seems to come alive after the dormancy of Winter. Being Thanksgiving, I am also reminded of the people, places and things in my life to be thankful for. I have much to be thankful for. I have my family, although we are smaller due to the pandemic, and we miss our loved ones dearly. This holiday season will be painful. I also have a work family, actually several work families from different chapters in my life. I have a church family, hobby families, volunteer families and sports teams families. My newest school family is extraordinary, and I am blessed to be a part of it.
November 26, 2021
This week I aged out of my mom’s health insurance plan. It is scary to navigate and fortunately I am able to qualify for medic-aid from the state. It’s also difficult because I have a disability and a lot of the treatment I was able to have was because of my mom’s insurances now I have to start all over with the process and it is backed up because of the pandemic. Then I got to thinking that at least I have the privilege to have those options. There are some people who don’t even have that choice. In the midst of the pandemic I question how many people have passed away because they couldn’t go to the hospital for fear of the insane amount of medical bills one may acquire. It’s so unfortunate and unfair that one has to be put in that predicament.
January 18, 2021