"... It was my daughter’s last week of school. It’s a tradition to have a water balloon toss on Field Day but as schools are not open we had one in the backyard with three other friends. I initially thought I would make my daughter were gloves but then I didn’t. So they did it. We had hand sanitizer and all of that. But this photo of the water balloons makes me think of all of the parents trying to normalize a very abnormal time. I love that it represents that effort but I also see potential COVID on every balloon! ..."
June 30, 2020
Estos cambios que han surgido ahora en mi vida me han dado la oportunidad de seguir todo aquello que deje atras y siemrpe anhele. Hace unos dias comence a pensar en como me he alejado de mi parte artistica, y ahora ya no quiero considerarlo solo un hobbie, desde ahora quiero cosniderarlo como una vocacion mas de mi vida. Por ahora, seguire en mi nuevo trabajo, ahorrare un poco, volvere a tomar las riendas de mi vida por otro rumbo mas independiente y pensare en volver a los estudios, pero ahora ire a seguir mis sueños que, desde hace tiempo, casi veia imposibles : las artes plasticas.
August 24, 2021