I'm fully vaccinated and its been 3 weeks since my last shot so I have as much protection as i possibly can have. My son has had 2 doses of Astra Zenica and his wife has had 2 doses of Pfizer. My husband, daughter and I have each had 2 doses of Pfizer. So my little family is done for now…. Who knows if we have protection against the new emerging variants… time will tell.
July 14, 2021
It's the eve before the inauguration and personally, I am feeling optimistic. I have a ten minute zoom gathering planned for tomorrow with random people to raise a toast to our new administration. And cheer that four years of this national nightmare are OVER!!! And celebrate the ascension of our first female, Black, Asian Vice President!! We are going to have a group scream over Zoom. It will be cathartic and healing. And then we will pop the champagne and drink heartily together. I know there is SO Much more to do re the vaccines and masks and the economy and getting people back to work. But still: We need to stop and celebrate the moments that mean something. I live close to the Capitol and am sad I can't attend the inauguration. It's a wonderful event, to be in the crowd with so many like minded people, and I know this one would have been amazing because of Kamala Harris. I went to the Obama inauguration and it was so moving to see so many proud people, to be part of social change going in the direction we want. Anyway, there's a pandemic. And loony white supremacists lurking around. So we'll watch it on TV. And cheer from home. Around me, people are worried, anxious that something horrible will happen tomorrow. I don't think so. I think the worst has passed with regard to the protests and the Capitol. Meanwhile, we have two young men from India who just arrived on Friday, direct from Delhi, staying in our airbnb, and they are so lovely. We text every day, and they have just offered to make us Indian food!! I am going to make them some sort of American cake--maybe banana bread? I realized just now I could focus on the fact that we can't sit down and have a meal together, or I can focus on the fact that two complete strangers from halfway around the world just showed up at my house and are eager to share their culture with me and eager to receive from us. You can focus on the division and hate, or you can focus on all the people who want to make connections and build a better world. That's where I'm placing my energy right now.
January 20, 2021