Esta Semana Santa se reactivaron todas las actividades y tradiciones propias de mi país, luego de dos años que estuvieron suspendidas por la pandemia de COVID-19. En la foto se puede observar una alfombra de aserrín que elaboraron mis vecinos por el paso de la procesión de Cristo Rey. Se reactivaron porque se exigió que todos los cargadores y personas vinculadas a las hermandades que organizan y realizan las procesiones tuvieran el esquema completo de vacunación. De hecho, se dio previamente una campaña de vacunación en cada una de las iglesias con imágenes de devoción de las personas católicas. Cada hermandad puso en práctica protocolos de prevención del COVID-19 que incluían alcohol en gel para todos antes de cargar, toallas húmedas desinfectantes y el uso de mascarilla todo el tiempo. Me pareció, además, que mucha gente evitó ir a los cortejos procesionales si eran personas vulnerables. Realmente no hubo aglomeraciones de la magnitud que solían ser antes de la pandemia. Creo que muchas personas siguen cuidándose y tratan de no salir de sus casas a eventos como estos, si no es estrictamente necesario.
April 22, 2022
My whole entire facebook is full of videos of pleas from medical staff, from people who have lost loved ones etc...and I see people comment and like and share acting as though they have understood that this is horrific and that they should follow the rules, but then go and break the rules just after watching it. I go for my daily exercise around parks and its instantly ruined by the amount of people outside. I do know we need exercise but you wouldn't even know a pandemic was happening. What will it take? What is it actually going to take for people to take this seriously? Is it to make it clear how many thousands of people have lost their lives? Should we have daily debriefs on the news again to really hammer it into people's heads about the rules and for these rules to be enforced? Why aren't we being more strict and actually staying in our homes? I cannot believe that the UK government is even compromising the rules by saying one thing but allowing another thing that contradicts the rules itself. I think it's really pathetic and selfish if people think their freedom is being compromised- we can still be democratic but have enforced strict rules for a small time scale which we should of had way back at the start and maybe it would not have lasted so long. But, that's the problem with the UK isn't it? That we think we have that freedom - because yes we do- but how can you sit there and talk about the greatness and unity of the country that when it actually comes to something like this pandemic everyone has turned out to be selfish and not thinking about the greater good and at a cost of that so many people have lost their lives. And the economy? We literally made up the economy, do you really think we have to go get a burger and a pint to save it? I wish people would see past the lies and see the bigger picture that we need to properly lockdown like NO movement whatsoever because we are the reason it is spreading- how has the UK only NOW closed its boarders and you can only enter with a negative test!? This is not the time to relax even with the vaccine rolling out. People are acting as if this is the new normal which it is not, we are far from anything being normal. And you know know what the craziest thing is, is that I am asking these questions still LITERALLY A YEAR after its all began.
January 24, 2021