La ventana de mi cuarto. Cada noche antes de dormir, cada mañana antes de despertar veo hacia el cielo por medio de la ventana de mi cuarto, escucho los sonidos, los pájaros que cantan. Ya no he escuchado los pajaros que a las 5am cantaban anunciandome que ya iba tarde a la escuela, ya no he escuchado a mi vecina gritar "Vas tarde" a su hijo, ya no he visto al chofer que siempre me decia "No te atravieses asi" cuando veia que el camión se me pasaba, no he visto a mis amigos en el camión, antes no veia la ventana de mi cuarto y ahora si. Al ver la ventana de mi cuarto me pregunto, ¿Cuándo volvere a salir como antes? ¿Cuándo vere a mis amigos otra vez?
February 3, 2021
Today I went to my office for the first time in nine ten months. It was so strange.... I even forgot what floor I was supposed to go to in the elevator! When I was there, I realize that I don't miss that place at ALL!!! Looking at the cubicles, the furniture, the lighting, the carpets, everything... I just realize that being cooped up in that place for hours on end was like a cage or a prison and it created so much misery in my life. I praised God for this opportunity to work from home where I feel so much more human and comfortable. I realized that the office is a space of alienation where I am alienated from the rest of my life and the person I truly am. It was not a good environment for me and I praise the Lord that he found a way for me to continue working, yet not in that building.
January 31, 2021