I haven’t written in months, so no I’m not living up to my potential. This photo reminds me of all the conflict that surrounds this pandemic. So many sides- each stuck, firmly grounded yet blowing in the wind… it was supposed to be over after we masked and social distanced and got vaccinated… we missed, birthdays and holidays and weddings and funerals…. but we got impatient and it started… mask or no mask… get vaccinated or refuse to get “jabbed”…shun those who are unvaccinated, then shun those who are… blame the government for not solving it and then blame them for mandates and telling us what to do…draw the line at whatever “they” say is wrong and a lie… the duplicity and hypocrisy drives me nuts… when one side suggests something it’s great when the other side suggests the exact same thing the answer is no! We are failing ourselves, and I’m not feeling hopeful. Too many people are angry and fearful and are more comfortable there in their righteous indignation, then trying to find a solution, especially if it seems someone “might” get something they don’t have… it’s very disheartening…
October 11, 2021
This will sound political but here goes: we have become more divided as a nation. Listening to the experts and following protocols (ie wearing masks) have become an us vs them rather than an opportunity to come together and to work together. Sad...very sad.
October 3, 2020