One thing we've done better than in the past is that the names for this disease and the subsequent variants have been memorable but not accusatory Unlike, say, "Spanish Flu", "Zika", or "Ebola" we've resisted the urge to brand it with the locations or the peoples where this disease was first identified It helps to have a name like SARS-CoV-2 that doesn't have immediate associations with sectors of the planet I do see the irony of the latest variant being called Omicron "Om" used to be a way of channeling a transcendental state Now it's more like, "OMG"
January 11, 2022
No third lockdown, was the decision of the French government. I'm worried I'll be told to go back to in-classroom teaching and I think that would be very unwise. I hope we are given a choice. The vaccination program is going slowly and who knows when I will get it. Feeling a bit stressed about this, but so far nobody has talked about on campus teaching although many students are back on campus. In wait and see mode. Glad that my parents got the first dose of vaccine last week and praying all will go smoothly for their scheduled second dose.
February 3, 2021