Hanukka at my 5 year old’s playschool class: same image, different degrees of abstraction
December 23, 2020
At this point, it just feels like more of the same from one day to the next. My spouse and I were recently talking about how easy it is to lose all sense of time during the pandemic. Since we're so limited in our activities, it seems like one day just blends into the next. It's hard to discern something that happened a week ago from a month or two months ago. I realize this happens anyways, but it's much more drastic while we're going through the pandemic. I enjoyed seeing a clip from Colbert's show recently which showed him taking of pages from a day calendar that read "March 12" and he keeps tearing off pages, but they all read "March 12." It's very funny, but sadly this is how it feels - like we're all stuck on the same day.
August 18, 2020